
Changing or cancelling your reservation:

Because TravelStrider does not sell you products or services and it does not handle your booking, any change or cancelation request must be communicated to the provider it was booked with. Please refer to Terms & Conditions for more information.


Is there a refund policy?

TravelStrider does not sell any products or services and therefore has no refund policy. Any such demand is to be addressed to the provider of your booking. Please refer to Terms & Conditions for more information.


Baggage fees and taxes?

Please check with the website of the airline you intend to fly with, regarding any applicable fees.


Can I book a trip with with different cities?

Yes. After you choose the city you start off from and the first destination, in the new page that opens, choose “Multi-city route” under “ORIGIN”.


What is the maximum number of people I can book as a group?

You may book up to nine (9) people in a single group in any combination of “Adults”, “Children under 12 years”, “Infants under 2 years”. If you want to book a larger number, we recommend contacting an airline directly.


If you still have any question that is not answered here and you believe TravelStrider should help you with, you can contact us at “info_[at]_travelstrider_[dot]_com” (please replace “_[at]_” with “@” and “_[dot]_” with “.”).